I know the title is cliche but it pretty much sums up my recent trip to the doctor. It was basically just an appointment so we could meet each other and see just how bad off I really was generally speaking.
I had two reasons for finally seeing a doctor. One, I have recently been experiencing chest pains. Not horrible OMG I'M GOING TO DIE pains but just annoying pains. And it was happening everyday so I was a bit worried. Two, since I got hired I now have medical coverage so the visit didn't cost me. An arm and three legs.
So the visit was a few light checks the standard what seems to be the problem situation. After telling her about my problem she checked my chest and had me do an EKG and said it was probably just some sort of inflammation and gave me a prescription for ibuprofen.
Thats fine and all except I cannot swallow pills. As long as I can remember I've always had the problem. I told her this and after the usual look of disbelief I tend to receive she did a few calculations and figured I'd have to drink about a liter of what ever the substitute was. So I decided to just suck it up and give swallowing pills another try.
And the I saw the pills. Let's just say for someone adverse to taking pills such as I they looked like they were as big as my fist. Of course I'm exaggerating but seriously it was pretty big. So later on I gave it the old college try and tried to get that sucker down. But it was the same old story the second I would try to swallow my throat would close up like a time lock at the bank. So finally I gave up and have been taking it with yogurt while chewing it to a more manageable size. And for those that don't know ibuprofen has a wonderfully awful after taste when its chewed. Thankfully the yogurt covers most of it up.
So it looks like I'm not dying yet but I have a full exam coming up next week so I'm not out of the woods yet. And also my chest is still
bothering me and the appointment was 3 days ago.
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