Its funny cause I think in the past half year I've been to the theater more then the movies. Its not that there are no movies I want to see its just that I just don't feel like making the effort to go to the movie theater. I actually have 2 free pass to the movies and I still don't feel like making the effort. Not sure why that is, probably just lazy. Plus I'll eventually get to see it when it comes out on pay per view. Also I have a pretty big TV at home so its not like I'm missing to much with the huge screen at the movie theater. So really the only reason I could think of to go to the movies is to spend time with people. But I can usually do that at other places.
But shows at a theater usually don't appear on TV and if they do its not nearly the same. Its probably like going to a concert live and seeing it on TV. Since I've never been to a concert I can really say.
I've never actually seen anything other then a musical at the theater but thats fine by me. The first musical I saw live was Avenue Q in San Diego. It was funny cause it just happen to be a coincidence that I was in San Diego. And also it just happen to be the opening weekend for the Avenue Q tour starting in San Diego. It was cool because I had been wanting to see that musical ever since I heard the songs from it. So I really really liked it. So much so that I went and saw it 2 more times. I didn't go back down to San Diego those times I just waited till it reached LA.

More recently I saw Wicked for the first time in November. It was a gift from my girlfriend on our anniversary. Before I saw it I only kind of wanted to see it. It wasn't crazy for it but I did want to see it since so many others had said it was pretty good. Well lets just say that after I saw it I was then crazy for it. I love Wicked so much that since that first time I have seen it 4 and a half times (I had to leave early once).
If you haven't seen it I would suggest you make the trip. Unless of course you hate musicals then you would probably be better off saving your money. But everyone else should go see it at least once cause its awesome.
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