It was my idea to give the presentation after seeing other people present other games. For some reason every time I saw a presentation I had a urge to do one myself. So finally one day I email the person in charge of doing these presentation and she said she would get back to me when there was an opening. So I waited for about 2 weeks before I got the go ahead. The problem was that I had finished playing the game about 2 weeks ago and had since moved on to different things. So I had to pull it out and start coming up with the presentation that I would have been much more prepared for had I done it when I was playing the game.
So I found out that I would be doing the presentation next Tuesday (I found out about it last Friday). So I spent the weekend trying to come up with interesting bits to show the people and also give them the general idea on how the game works and why I think its pretty special. One of the problems is that the game only contains 1 save slot and since I had to show a few different things this posed quite a dilemma. I figured out a work around that involves using my laptop to create a few save states of the areas I wanted to present. So I worked out the kinks over the weekend and it seemed to flow as well as could be expected.
The funny thing is I'm somewhat dreading the presentation for some reason. I think part of the reason is that I have somewhat of a small time frame to try and fit in everything I wanted to talk about and I'm worried that people will not be able to see why I think the game is awesome. Also I don't want to take to much time because I know at a certain point its going to get really boring and I don't want to end up there. I should be fine though. Its not a life or death presentation and I'm pretty good at just winging it when I need to. So hopefully everything works out well.
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