Well I decided that since I have a blog that just focuses on my list of things to do before I die I should just have a blog for day to day stuffs. Not that I really expect anyone to read either one of these so I guess I'm really writing these for myself.
If you happen to be not me then if I bore you feel free to leave and read something more interesting.
Today was another day at work. Because of my NDA (Non-disclosure Agreement) I'm not allowed to go into details but suffice to say your not missing much of anything. Like any other job it pays the bills. In case you happen to not know I work for Disney Interactive Studios as a Microsoft Certification Tester. I do specific test for the titles that Disney is submitting to Microsoft. Its interesting because I enjoy playing video games and I love Disney things. So its a nice fusion.
Usually when I tell people I test video games they assume that its a fun easy job. And why wouldn't they I do have video games as part of my job. However, its actually a less like playing and more like work. Basically think of a game you would not care to play and image being forced to play it for 8-12 hours a day 6 days a week. It can be a bit boring but then again most jobs fall into the boring phase at some point. But don't get me wrong I really do enjoy my job and I'm very blessed to have it.
Today was just more of the same for me. Lately I've been working 10 hour days and I notice I've been eating a lot more then usual. And since at some point I want to work on getting fit this is not a good sign. I seem to be eating to pass the time a bit quicker. I guess I should either stop eating so much or at the very least choose healthier options.
Speaking of getting fit I've been wanting to start working out again but I feel like if I start now I may just end up stopping again. I think I need more motivation to keep going before I start. I'm thinking of waiting until they offer another promotion for 24 hour fitness at work. Also I'm trying to think of a sport I can get into so at least when I am working out I'll hopefully be having fun and not notice that I'm working out as well. I was thinking of maybe trying tennis. I know its pretty hardcore but I think it might be fun. Or maybe I just played to much Wii tennis. Another idea is to get a work out partner but thats kinda hard since schedules never seem to work out. Either way I think I'm going to hold back on getting fit until I feel like I have enough motivation to keep going.
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